Evil French Magicians Make Lower Normandy Disapear!

Day 398, 12:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

Outrage plagued the UK today, as a group of evil French magicians called 'The French Military' used some sort of dark magic to steal Lower Normandy from eUK and our vastly superior military.

How dare they do this! We invaded them in a totally unjustified, imperial attack and this is how they treat us! The French must have garlic on their brain.

What makes this really bad, is that they are obviously cowards, after all they are French. And if you need more evidence, than how about this? They launched a brilliant counter-offensive in the face of obliteration. Ha! What are they, surrender monkeys?

I say we stick it to them.

They are imperialists, lets invade them for no reason!