eSA Polotics - The Real Story Miaow

Day 1,707, 23:52 Published in South Africa South Africa by Badger06
eSA Polotics - The Real Story Miaow

Independant Alternative

Facts are facts, whether you like it or not they're at the top, and when you're at the top, everyones got a target on your back. You may just like to scream noobs, but their core is strong and theres nothing noob about Crumoet, Kuckuk, Worm13,Leon Reno, Liquidice, Kaptein Balsak, Sizzla, Lazer Fazer, Miyagiyoda, ArkAjda, Mad Johnson, Steven Bosch, Nickerball, Spottedfrog, Had3z, Mulderpf, Vanessa 1309, Wacky 368 and Heart Throb.

Union of Patriots

Dont know much about this party, except that they like to attack on the IA, so the above picture seems quite apt.

Open Opportunity Party (OOPS)

Very chilled bunch of people, dont really get involved in most of the political nonsense, and seems open to new ideas and suggestions.

Dignity Brigade

If the UP hate the IA, this bunch are the Sith to the IA Jedis, there ideas are great but they come across to hardline in my opinion, it's their way or the highway. *Queu the heavy metal music*

Legion of Super Citizens

A new party for the Super or is that Big Gay AL *Tsuper thanks for asking* anyway they seem decent enough and active and on the move up.

The Lions of Democracy

The Former SADP/Gold Party, seems under renovation, hopefully this change is good for all of eSA

Outlaws of the Seven Seas

This party to me seems a bit lost at sea, but I'm sure under the correct guidance they'll be plundering all the booty from our finger tips.

This is not meant to offend any person/thing/place.

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