eRepublik used to be awesome.

Day 1,676, 21:33 Published in Japan Ireland by Flaco Jimenez

My good friend John Jay brought me and several others to eRepublik in 2008.

I guess I am one of the few that stuck around. But this was the login I remember. Ceasar was almost helpful instead of Plato, a mouthpiece for Wigs oppression.

We had actual forums then.

Lulz were had by all. And the trolling was some of the finest work ever immortalized to cyberspace. Between furries, Goons, and Truks the forum had something for everyone. Including Admin Erotica, Some of the finest pornographic literature ever written about an internet game.

Wars were done on a wall. Notice the BH damage amounts. No one could buy strength. Training was once a day and Euphonix was the tank of all tanks.

What happened eRepublik? Y U NO STOP THE SUCK?