eRepublik Farm

Day 429, 09:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

There was once a farmer called Mr.Basescu. He owned a big farm named eRepublik farm, that was full of lots and lots different animals. Horses, donkeys, pigs, cows, dogs, cats, lots and lots of sheep and numerous others. But then Mr.Basescu realised the animals weren't happy and that was bad for the farm. Because of this, he thought long and hard about how to improve the situation, and then suddenly he had an idea. He would make a game for the animals that would be so entertaining and addictive that they would cherish it, and the farm would become a nicer, more productive place.

So Mr.Basescu wrote some rules for the game and gave it to the animals. The animals loved it, and soon the farm became very happy. A few days later, Mr.Basescu noticed that some of the animals were of very competitve nature, and this gave him another idea. He would change the game to make it competetive. This made the animals love it even more, and even some of the sheep who were sometimes disintrested, started to play the game. And, so the animals were even happier, and the farm was even better. Sadly this did not last.

Several weeks later, Corneliu, one of Mr.Basecus dogs, started challenging lots of animals to vie against each other in the game. This would have been normal, however the two dogs, Corneliu and Nicolas, were Mr.Basescu's favourite animals on the farm. So, Mr.Basescu gave Corneliu some tips, and with these Corneliu managed to defeat lots of other animals at the game.

Some of the other animals were angry at Mr.Basescu's actions, and some were even more angry because they found the rules of the game to be badly written and exploitable. However, they loved the game, and in a short time they had calmed down and went back to playing the game.

The next day, Mr.Basescu had another idea. He told the animals, if they worked for an extra hour a day, they could have an advatage in the game. This angered many of the animals, who did not like the game being made unfair, just so Mr.Basescu could make more money from his farm. However, they loved the game, and in a short time they had calmed down and went back to playing the game.

But then later, the pigs challenge his other dog, Nicolas, to play the game. The pigs looked like they were going to win, byt then once again, Mr.Basescu gave his dog some advice. Nicolas started to better, but soon the pigs looked like they would win again. So then Mr.Basescu changed the rules of the game, and Nicolas managed to win. This infuraited many animals, especially as many were still annoyed at the other problems with the rules. However, they loved the game, and in a short time they had calmed down and went back to playing the game.

But once again, the next day another problem arised. It had been revealed that one the problems with the rules gave some animals the advantage even if they had not worked the extra hour. Yet again, the animals were furious, and this time it was taking longer for the animals to calm down, as lots of them had worked lots of extra hours.

Mr. Basescu did not know what to do. The game made the animals happier, but he did not like to be questioned. Then he had yet another idea. He built a big shed on the farm, and told all the animals that if they complained about the game, they had to sit in the shed by themselves, where they couldn't play the game or see the other animals.

After that, Some stopped playing the game, and some stopped enjoying it. The animals were sad again. And Mr.Basescu had failed what he set out to do.