Enlisting into the Para's

Day 356, 01:16 Published in South Africa South Africa by kiwifire1

First of, I would like to thank everyone who has supported this concept and helped it along.

As you may be aware, we are forming the eSouth African 1st Parachute Battalion. I am asking for volunteers to step forward and join the ranks. There are a few things that you must have and that you must do to be able to enlist.

1. You must have an Army Training level of 4 or higher.
2. You must train everyday
3. You must maintain a wellness of 80 or higher.

If you reckon this is you then sign up.

In a few days I will announce who the will be the Company Commanders.
I will need three Company Commanders. They will command Alpha, Bravo and Charlie Companies.
Once they have be appointed, they will themselves each select three Platoon Commanders for their Companies. Please contact me, or state in the comments section if you wish to be a Company Commander.

Thank you