EDEN's new strategy: Divide to Conquer [EN] [Hungarian Edition]

Day 946, 07:09 Published in Hungary Portugal by S.Ribeiro
Greetings, eHungary
It is with great grief that the The Global Moustache has watched the developments concerning the Rhone Alps issue.

Both eFrance and eHungary have reasons to be suspictious of eachother… But please. Let us not forget that you and eFrance have spent a large amount of gold, standing for each other as allies against the tyranny of EDEN/Broalliance. However, since the conquest of Rhone Alps by eHungary, we are watching eFrance and Phoenix turning their backs on each other. Is it the greediness of men when it concerns money? Or are French and Hungarian pride to blame?
My good friends, as you spend time on petty squabbles between each other, driven by pride and greediness, our enemies watch anxiously, eagerly waiting for the best opportunity to capitalize on this lack of cooperation.

Do we really want to see EDEN in control of Rhone Alps again?

There are already rumors that eFrance will lead eSpain through their territories to attack the Alps again and expel the Hungarians from there. It is also said that eHungary will simply sell the region to a third entity. As a famous fictitious character once sai😛 “rumors, true or false, are often revealing”.

Today, I was startled to read an article created by an organization in eFrance (probably created by EDEN trolls), rallying the French population to stage a resistance war in Rhone Alps, to free the region. I saw that most of the eFrench citizens could see through the consequences of such act, but… it is obvious that, right now, eFrance needs eHungary and hell, eHungary NEEDS eFrance, in spite of how much eHungarians citizens want to deny it.

As a proud member of the Phoenix alliance, I will not hide the fact that I would like to see eFrance join our ranks one day. However, such petty squabbles between us will simply push that possibility away.

It is up to the eFrench and eHungarian governments to find a solution that will appease both sides. While we wait, I would like to ask you, proud Hungarians, to simply try your best to trust your diplomats and the eFrench government, who stood alongside you when you needed help against Croats/Romanians. I know that you expect more goodwill from the French… but, please, try to let both governments handle things.

I have always been told that, in real life, Hungarians, while being proud, are very intelligent people with big hearts. So far, the ones I met have proved this statement to be true, in various ways. I think it is time to show our French friends your patience and support, while we wait for both governments to handle things.

Thank you for your patience, eHungary 🙂The Global Moustache hopes that, you and eFrance will soon be fighting on the same side, while invading eCroatia. 😃 Please vote 🙂