Doom-pa-dee-dee Top 10 are we \o/

Day 1,032, 09:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Horice G Fossil

Oompa Loompa doom-pa-dee-do
We have the perfect party for you
Oompa Loompa doom-pa-dee-dee
If you are wise, you'll listen to me
The Spamicans are the party for you
If politicking is not what you do
We just always try to have Fun
And serious politics we shun

I hope you like the sound of it

Oompa, Loompa, doom-pa-dee-da
If you are ready, you will go far
You will enjoy serious sillyness too
Like the Spamicans doom-pa-dee-do
The Real Spamicans do !

Join The Real Spamicans and the world is your Whelk !

Don't join us and .....

The Real Spamicans Candy is Dandy but Spam ad nauseam !

Horice TRS Spokesman 🙂

Blackout crew - Umpa lumpa song lol
