Don't forget to VOTE today

Day 1,081, 02:33 Published in Ireland North Macedonia by Ghost Axior

No. 59. - Day 1,081
Country: eIreland

Admins decided not to remind us any more about elections with big hyperlink-banner on front page. But that is not the reason not to vote.

To perform your civil duty follow these steps:

Community → Elections → Choose your favorite → VOTE

My personal favorite in eIreland is mirek12345, great player and my friend for long time. I'm convinced that we can aspect great things from him if he is elected.
Be independent - Vote mirek! 🙂

P.S. If you don't know for who to vote in your country, or you just want to help EDEN to take political control over Russia you can move to Far Eastern Russia and vote for alpho!
Your citizenship application will be granted automatically.
Here you can get free tickets for Russia.