Dear citizens of EDEN - WE need your help in aTO! [EN]

Day 846, 11:37 Published in Poland Poland by Minister Spraw Zagranicznych


Today is indeed a sad day in ePolish history - our biggest parties are being target of pTO - done not by a members of Phoenix, but sadly by a rouge Pole: Owner/Uner (maybe known by you from his actions in some of neighboring countries). How he managed to do this? By sending PMs with false informations, from fake party orgs, using some of old authorities names to confuse voters and other methods.

But going to the point:
We need your votes and your help to secure parties!

At this point elections are over - in the end 1 party was mentioned in article, 1 party asked to remove them from article, rest of the parties disregarded with action and refused to be included in article.
edit end

Please, if you did not vote yet, help us in this fight. In citizenship request write: 'Pomagam w aTO przeciw Unerowi', so our congressmen will know that you came here to help. And then vote for one of the mentioned candidates.

Thank you!

MoFA of Polan😛 Ariakis