Crash guide to eUK political parties

Day 2,084, 13:08 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

A crash guide for political parties.

Under a strict unbiased perspective, this is the situation if you want
to join a party in eUK.

What to do ?
In any election you take, try to stay quiet as much as possible, don't
create a newspaper, don't comment, stay in stealth mode.

Which to join?
1.- Join TUP if you think you can use TUP's web of contacts to go up
fast in the power ladder, both e-national, and e-international. If you
are ambitious and ruthless, this is your party. Spending several days
in IRC can boost your ambitions. Another strong point of TUPs is
trolling, some of the best trolls and admins ( forums and IRC) are
here: scary mspaint drawings, direct personal insults... If you like
trolling , TUP is defo YOUR PARTY.

2.- Join UKRP if you want to use TUP's web of contacts but not so
blatantly clear. UKRP will welcome trolls too, but they're not so good
as TUPs. UKRP is good for being close to power but far from politics,
sounds weird, but that's the way it is.

3.- Join ESO if you want to eperience a mix of a space walk and an
afternoon in some knitting club in some small town in the scottish
highlands. More than say what ESO is, you can assert what ESO is not:
it's not a party, it has no active players, it has no enemies, it has
no friends, it has no a troll community 'a la TUP', it has no
policies, it has some excellent good players but they seem to hide
from public attention, it has not MU unit, it doesn't support new
player. ESO is defo the "NO-PARTY".

4.- Join WRP if you like plain decency. It may sound great, but
actually, few people join. Why? Decency implies no power "a la
TUP-UKRP", no emptiness "a la ESO", implies no big support to new
players, just decency. WRP tries to improve eUK but without overtly
opposing to the fails of other parties, which is decent but ...

5.- Join UKPP if nothing else fit.

6.- Join Skatalites if you want to be an ellaborated but ocassional
troll or want to be tank, somebody who hits hard. Anyway Skatalites is
just another of those "personal" hard to grasp parties around, not for

7.- Join New Era if you think that you can be innovative and change
things, if you think that people should be respected, and new players
helped. You'll endure lots of heavy trolling but,... that's the part
of the utter sacrifice in order to have a decent eUK.

8.- Join Freemasons if you agree with joining New Era but you are less
interested in being helped and more in rationality and excellence and
good discussions.

9.- Join RDP if you agree with joining New Era but you simply want to
be helped or help more and you are still more agressive in your path
to rescuing eUK from the hands of TUP.

10.- Join PCP if you like communist memorabilia. It sounds blunt but
it's the sacred TRUTH.

Post commentum (after the comments): No, 1 is not like 7,8 y 9. For good or for bad , NE has never ever enjoyed any real power.