Callumh123's Cabinet

Day 1,109, 19:56 Published in Australia Australia by Callumh123
I have decided to start one of the many article coming out today with my cabinet for the following month


Dpm: Kirkzzy (ADSP)

Kirkzzy is one of the few people i completely trust on eRepublik. He is loyal, hard working and a true patriot. I think it is time my good friend Kirkzzy is given a high up cabinet role.

CiC: Majester (PaPP)

One of the hardest working eAustralians i have ever met is finally getting the role he deserves in my cabinet. Majester and his team continued the AAR even during the PTO when all other branches shut down. Majester is one of those people who will do right no matter what and i am quite gobsmacked he is not in more cabinets.

Mo😨 Venja (MBP)

The whizzkid of finance is finally getting an role outside Finance and i am pleased to see Venja and Majester link up again for this term. I believe in Venja to make Minister of Defence his own this month.

dMo😨 Imperator Domus Major (APP)

The former Minister of Defence is back where he belongs. A very new player to the military administration to months ago was thrown into the deep end as MoD and has learned from his mistakes. He has came back better and stronger and will benefit from learning from Venja and Majester.


Vorodor, one of the only few active old guards left and is someone i look up to. He is smart, experienced and very wise. When i think Eden i think Vorodor. Vorodor is known around the world and this will be a massive bonus for diplomatic talks with foreign eNations.

MoF: Srg91 (ADSP)

Another remaining old guard, Srg91 is one of eAustralia's wises players and knows the market better than anyone. Anyone who is taking over Venja is going to have big shoes to fill but i cannot think of anyone better than Srg. A true patriot of eAustralia.

MoI: infin (ANP)

Another presidential candidate, infin is one of the most logical people i know and is a seasoned pro when it comes to Industry. Experience is the key to fix the economy and there is no one better at it than infin.

dMoI: Video Jack

A an odd but smart yank (Not many of them left) is very talented in many area of the game. I was talking to him the other day and was amazed about all the things he knew about companies and running them, plus i was very impressed with his economic articles. So i hope infin can nuture him into becoming a big shot minister soon.

MoICS: Arfman (PaPP)

Arfman is a trusted and well respected member of the community. As a fellow PaPPie i trust him entirely, he and Majester have be running the PaPP beautifully and his work with the NSA has been good.

dMoICS: Arthur Cole (ANP)

Usually not a member of the executive side of politics i have decided to give this oldish guard a go at immigration. A trusted member of our community i believe Arfman and AC will link up well.

MoE: Kirkzzy (ADSP)
(See Above)

MoPR: Aussie Bloke (ANP)

One of the best article makers i know, Aussie Bloke is one of the best blokes i know, and is an incredibly good cabinet member and is a valuable asset to any department.

AirSphere (PaPP)

A new player to politics AirSphere impressed me with his interviews, charisma and enthusiasm. This month AirSphere will be deputytead of intern this month under the guidance of Aussie Bloke. AirSphere has the potential to become a very good minister and i believe he can shine this month.


Do😨 Scotitan (MBP)
DoF: xXAgeOfSpaceXx (ANP)

So there you have it, my cabinet for December. There are still positions available if your interested in a deputy role in:

Department of Education
Department of Industry

If you are interested in becoming an intern in my cabinet please send me a message.

Callumh123 out!