Breaking down the negative spiral.

Day 1,565, 03:47 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by mittekemuis

The spiral of negativity is holding UK in a downwards track.

Negative thinking appears to be more prevalent than positive thinking. It seems that with most people positive thinking requires some effort, whereas negative thinking comes easily and uninvited. This has much to do with education and the environment one has been living in.

“spiral of negativity”: the self-reinforcing nature of negative comments and perspective and how, over time, they spiral an organization or team into the ground.

"Everyone sits in the prison of his own ideas.
A human being is a part of the whole called by us "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest- a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

~Albert Einstein

These two quotes very much say it all...

Sometimes people go through there eLife with a negative attitude to everything, more often players have negative attitudes in one or more aspects of their gaming experience which are holding them back in achieving their goals. The first thing to understand is that the development of a negative attitude is a process which may have taken place over a period of time.

The eUk community is at its lowest point in this spiral of negativity. Not because of the last 3 months. No, it was spiraling down long before that. Before I came over from eBelgium it was already happening.

I will not try and recreate events. I am not well placed to do that, but I simply had to point out what is happening. Especially to all the people who keep giving comments but don’t give alternatives instead.

We, meaning the community that is left, are setting our hopes on the new CP candidate Talon Karrde. But he can not do this on his own I think. A charismatic strong leader can do a lot but still needs his people to pick up on what he is suggesting.

The process of turning a negative attitude into a positive one will take time and effort but with patience, persistence and the support to each other we can succeed in the end.

a few tips to fight back:

- Each time you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, reject the thought, and think a positive one instead.
- If you catch yourself visualizing failure, visualize success instead.
- If you hear yourself uttering negative words, change to positive words instead.
- When you say, "I cannot", say, "I can".
- Do you repeat negative words and phrases in your mind? Change them to positive ones.
- Open your mind to positive attitude and expect positive results.
- Decide that from today, from this very moment, you are leaving negative thinking behind, and starting on the way toward positive thinking and behavior.

It is never too late to change your attitude and your eLife.