Day 541, 09:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

"I heard that Arthur Wellesley ordered a moat on tax payers money, so you should defiantly vote for bob."
~ Rastari, Vice President

"I fully endorse Bob Boblo. I heard Arthur Wellesley has been embezzling party funds to smuggle communists into the party HQ. He must go!"
~ Malta_1990, Former UK President

"I heard Bob was the future."
~ Indiekid, Minister for Health, UKRP Congressman

"I like (Bob's) style"
~ Vyse, Former Vice President of Ireland

"I support Bob Boblo because the UKRP needs a real leader. A leader who's played for more than 4 days. A leader who we know won't go inactive after being elected, even though all he posts is spam. Come to think of it, I'd probably endorse my cat if he was running."
~ Caoimhin MacFie, UKRP Congressman

"Bob - Why The F*ck Not?!"
~ Ryan McCulloch, UKRP Congressman

"Vote Bob Boblo: Because he needs to make his House better, and to do that, he needs to take over the forum"
~ Intrepid132, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs

"A vote for Bob is a vote for Bob."
~ Daruler, leading gay rights activist

"vote bob, he'd vote for u."
~ Pliped, India's Ambassador to the UK

"Vote Bob Boblo. A thorn in the backside of Shadowsucks"
~ ThomasR26, North Korea Minister of Foreign Affairs

"Vote Bob.
HE'S BOB BOBLO! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU? BOB BOBLO! jesus, the idiots we get in here...."
~ lxbrtldisaad, Underminister of Trade

"Bob - Because you couldn't care less who you vote in anyway"
~ Ip Lockard, Former Minister of Defence, Former Chancellor of the Exchequer

~Count Drakula, Minister of Trade