Boblo for the North East

Day 428, 10:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

"Wisdom is the daughter of experience" - Leonardo da Vinci

Hey. If you don't know me I'm Bob Boblo, North East congressman for six months, North East NHS Director for 2 months and Mayor of Newcastle for 2 months and currently Minister of Work, and I am running for re-election As you can see I have a wealth of experience, and have already proven myself capable of being a congressman, and much of my time has been focused upon helping the North East. I'd like to think I've shown my dedication and commitment to NE since I joined in May.

"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try" - Old Proverb

The main issue with each and every region is activity. There are numerous schemes that could be used, but in most cases these tend to be innefective and, it has to be said, pointless. Thats not to say they can't work, but overall I think mere leg work of contacting new members and getting them on the forum is a better strategy. So next month I will look to step up my efforts with regards to this, and possibly organise PMing amongst others willing to help, to make it even more efficient.

"Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much." - Blaise Pascal

Dealing with new members is another important point. The MoIE is still a fledging role but I have no doubt they will do a great job. However, helping new members is still a responsibilty that every active citizen holds, and being a regional congressman is a role that increase the amount of contact with new members, so I will look to help out new members in he North East as much as possible.

"Wise men are instructed by reason" - Cicero

In terms of congressional responsibilty, I always have, as I hope all other congressman have, maintained a politically impartial and pragmatic approach. Perhaps the most counterproductive aspect of real life politics, is the culture of party politics and one-up-manship. This is something I disagree and ardenly avoid, hence I also strive to maintain a good working relationship with all others in government regardless of political orientation.

So why vote for Bob Boblo. I'm active, experienced and committed to our great region. The three essential components of being a good congressman.

Vote Commitment. Vote Boblo

P.S. Good luck to Malta and John 🙂