Boblo For North East

Day 397, 12:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

Unfortunatley, unless another party has a surprise candidate up their sleeve, then the North East's two congressmen are already decided and we won't have a proper election as such. Fortunatley, those two people are myself and Malta_1990, both experienced and capable e-politicians.

Whilst I have no need to campaign, I still feel the need to let my fellow North East people know what I'm all about

In terms of politics, I'm a PCP member and a stuanch lefty. I like to think I;m pretty experineced - since I joined Erepublik in May, I have:
- served 6 active terms in congress
- served 1 active term as co-minister for work
- served 2 active terms as Newcastle mayor/NHS director
- served 1 active term as a union leader

So I feel confident I can do the North East proud in congress this term.

P.S. Maltas manifesto can be found here -

P.P.S. Join the UK forums at