Bob Boblo's Manifesto for Newcastle Mayor

Day 302, 10:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

Citizens of Newcastle.

Its that time of the month again. No, I'm not on a period, I'm refferring to the local elections. I will be standing for a second mandate this month, and I am confident I can serve Newcastle as well, if not better than last month.

I will keep this breif, because you have seen what I'm all about, and reeling off all the roles of a mayor would be uneccasary. I feel that I have been a dedicated mayor over the last month. I have gifted all active citizens under 95% wellness, I have helped helped out new members, and have always done my best to help solve problems that Newcastle citizens have had.

I will, however, look to improve. The regional regeneration scheme has stagnated, and I will look to reinvigorate it. Additionaly, Newcastle hasn't had a competition in a while so that will be on my agenda. Plus, depending on the population increase on V1s release, I may introduce a regional council, although at the moment there is just no need.

So why vote for me?

- I have the best experience of all, a mandate under my belt
- I am an active mayor
- I am a dedicated mayor

Vote for experience. Vote for dedication. Vote for Boblo