Billy Bright - (Almost) Master of the Double Bluff

Day 313, 15:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

Billy Bright, a member of The Right Party has been making unfounded accusations at other members of his party, calling them spies and saying they are working against the party.

He was double bluffing all along.

I have significant evidence to show that Billy is the one deliberatley working against the party.

Here is a few examples.

"Dishmcds,I know that you`re used to call your mother names like moron and idiot"

"KBoomer=absolute cunt"

"Sunshine,you`re a complete twat."

""Communist calling me an idiot? LOL What an irony,yet you are too retarded to realize it."

"Piperbunny? Malcovent,my son,you must be joking...If Piperbunny is you example of a "quality person",then I rest my case"

And thats not even mentioning some of the things he said to Hassan Pesaran.

Now surely, for someone to say things as idiotic and offensive and claim the majority of TRP agrees with him, then surely he is the one trying to bring TRP down.