Day 3,344, 13:38 Published in Israel South Africa by cirujanoo

Israel is still under occupation!

We must solve urgently!

I suggest our leaders that unite for liberation

Filthy McNasty , Michael II Augustus , MiczuTGMiczuTG and Kajzer Sosze

may unite and they can organize big war.

They can find at least 27 fighter, because Last Presidiental Election shows that they got vote from totally 27 voter.

Filthy McNasty 11 votes
Michael II Augustus 6 votes
MiczuTG 6 votes
Kajzer Sosze 4 votes

And I would argue that
if these presidential candidates campaigned for a future,
so many more Israeli friends would come to rescue Israel on a future weekend!

If we do not organize there is no reason to play this fucking game,

You are all Israeli and you can not say, "no need liberation, we only wtf (working, training, fighting)

If we fight only other countries' battle, and we don't need fighting for Israeli Liberation, PLEASE DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT!

Viva Black Panthers