Apocalypsis Now!

Day 1,245, 09:21 Published in Bolivia Argentina by M E S S I

This is a message to you... ¨Rudey¨ boy from our Special Task Forces!
Oh, what a rude you are, hahahahahaha:

Today it´s a wonderful day, for us... of course. The true bolivians celebrate for the annexe with The IRA (Imperio Rotoista Argentino) because the another semi-bolivians (i say ¨semi¨ because they aren´t bolivians RL, they came from Srbja, España, Peru, Polska, etc.) make this possible.
Now, your apocalypsis! Now, our party is started... again!
We raise up the taxes of Food, Tickets and Weapons to the top, only for demostrate our power. Here, we dominate the country, not you! And never, never, you can win.

Don´t be lazy dude!
For call the serbs and ONE invaders, now you don´t have chance... no more!

Why? Because you don´t listen that we say. You bring up enemy to Bolivia, and us bring up our brothers to make control here. You have the same hate against Argentina & Brasil, and you never change this attitude. Now, you don´t have this country. You don´t trade with BOB´s. You don´t buy gold with your BOB´s. You don´t can sell your products because you don´t have market, and our taxes are so high than El Alto, hahahahahahahahahaha!!!

Sorry dude, you loose. ¿Game Over? I win... always win!


I don´t see it Bolivia and Peru into South America no more!