Ajay Bruno Article Generator?!

Day 932, 09:24 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Lincoln

Hey I'd just like to state that this is by no means an attack, accusation, or violation of any rule in erepublik law. This is just what I happened to find when I decided to google "ajay bruno". Towards the bottom of the first page I find this article generator. I clicked and lol'ed for like 5 minutes. I choose some answers and this what I got.

"Republican Party member and henchman of the President, Richard Nixon II, has revealed to me their support of Liberalism. Apparently according to this individual, Liberalism works and Iraq is a great example of it! Anyone who thinks that an oppressive dictatorship with a murderous thug like Barack Hussein Obama is an example of Liberalism being a successful system is not fit for any position, real or imaginary. These comments are absolutely shocking and sickening. You cannot be a sane individual and believe that Liberalism is a good thing. Tell that to the 69 sextillion people who have been killed then raped due to the evils of this system."

I hope Ajay Bruno can even laugh at this one.
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