After-100-Years-from-27-October-Revoluti on

Day 3,629, 19:38 Published in Israel South Africa by cirujanoo

1917 - 2017 Centkennial : Soviet Revolution

“We know well the consequences that these great upheavals can bring. Unfortunately, our country went through many such upheavals and their consequences in the 20th century,” said Putin.

Vladimir Putin announced “On 27 October Revolution 2017, we will mark the 100th anniversary of the February and October revolutions. This is a good moment for looking back on the causes and nature of these revolutions in Russia … Let’s remember that we are a single people, a united people, and we have only one Russia.”

We have a historical period, from the October revolution to the October revolution, even though there have been great struggles in the world during the past century, there has been great tension in the revolutionary labor struggle over the past years, in which the revolution against Soviet Socialist Republic and the victory of Russian capitalism are great. But we are at such a critical time that a slight sluggishness in struggles can give a great deal of socialization and the prospects for the power of the laborers can be hurt by international imperialist wars. After that, everyone will have to think and locate, because now we are in the future of humanity.

A century has passed from 1917 October Soviet Revolution and it was a sad celebration, because after hopes of proleterian victory has turned into capitalist counter revolution. What was the problem of our hopes of socialism?

In my opinion, nations could not overcome historical international racist conflicts. Country revolutionaries could not break the influence of national and international national conflicts from the history of their countries.

But i have to notice that only Spanish Revolutionaries was too close to be real revolutionaries.