A victory for the Republican Party and some personal updates

Day 939, 09:09 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Lincoln

Hello again my friends. I am here today to announce that after months of PTO attempts the Republican Party is truly in the hands of true Republicans. Darrel Anderson 2 has been elected the party president for this term and after his running mate Zack Mack had some real life conflicts he asked me to be his vice president which I gladly accepted. Both Darrel and I are former presidents of the party and we have both the experience and leadership to take this party to the top 5. I look forward to working with Darrel and helping guide the Republican Party to even greater heights.

On another note I would like to announce that I have recently been appointed US Ambassador to Turkey.

No not that turkey.

This Turkey!

Seriously though I look forward to strengthening our relationship with Turkey while keeping our old and faithful allies intact. The people of Turkey are a rather interesting group and they have already welcomed me into their great country. Maybe peace in the middle east can be acheived in erepublik.

I'm also considering a run for Congress this term. I'm very active in erepublik and I think I have some great ideas to make this country even greater. However I will only run if I have a reasonable chance of winning. Please tell me your thoughts.

On a more personal note I have received an early birthday present. A edog named Checkers. Isn't he cute? I hope they make edog food available in v2.