A Third Congress Run: I Will Be Back

Day 2,981, 08:46 Published in USA Japan by Schubacca

Today I announce my third run. As member of the media team of the Azazel Administration as Deputy Media Director my efforts currently is being involved in a government run January Media-A-Thon Contest. This contest so far has been a success so far with over 30+ submissions. Media Director Jaden A has been a wonderful person. If I become congressmen again I will encourage more contests. I want to encourage everyone in the private media to write articles and remain active to get your voice out. It is important to keep people informed of what is ongoing daily around eUSA and in the political parties of events and to recruit people.

Many concerns such as Australia have fallen under a proxy of Peru. This I see as a challenge. Frankly we need to take it back. I want encourage support of any efforts in Australia so they can become a eUSA partner again. Indonesia should remain top priority as its very important. Keep up the good fight and stay on course. Above all let's keep improving Pacifica for the long haul and look bring in new members as the European mess continues.

With a plan and a vision to lead to direct a nation, we are much stronger when we come together. It begins with trust and with that we can solve the problems that face this nation together for the future. If you still believe me, send me to congress for a third time so I can ride my motorcycle in the halls of congress.

James Schubert For Congress