A scream for independence

Day 408, 03:48 Published in Sweden Denmark by pho3nix

I know what you most of you are thinking. "Here we go again", "Go fuck youself" and so on. But really, I'm not after your thoughts. Actually, I'm looking for an escape from them.

I remember when I started playing this game. I was new, fresh in courage and really wanted to do something new with this game. Spent days checking the media section, hung around the IRC 'til I got kicked from it and tried to keep a high standard in the media section along with some of the prime names of the old era. My now deceased but dear friend JosefStark, the FBS' version of Putin; ZiggyZag and my political leader Grev Per. Together we made sure that articles such as "Korv å saft" quickly left the list of top rated articles and instead filled them with smart articles with intelligent content - something that is starting to be more scarce than food, in these times of crisis.

I was unable to create a change. When the beta was over I tried to adapt to the new layout. In time, I just worked for my salary and bread. Now, however, it would seem as if my will to do something has returned. The problem is that I do not have anything to throw rocks at - which usually is a good way to start.

But since I'm a member of the Danish resistance, this complaint of interest might be what I need. You see kids, you seem - with occational exceptions - to be unable to write articles about interesting things. It seems as if you are running on fumes, without any real material to work on. Now, I'm not saying that I am surprised. Like I said, we've been a small group of people that actually have been able to produce anything other than spam for quite some time. I just thought that evolution would have it's way with you. And that's why I believe that Denmark needs independence.

You see, being trapped in Sweden for a long period of time exposes the Danish population to extremely low quality media, which in the long run will either make them kill themselves in a sudden strike of panic anxioty or infects them - removing Sweden of quality Danish media.

So from all of us, to all of you: let us go. We don't want your 3rd grade media and pointless topics.