A New Year's Resolution To Make

Day 2,961, 11:15 Published in USA Japan by Schubacca

Well as the New Year fast approaches it's time to figure out what that resolution will be for 2016.

Here I go trying to figure it out....

It could be like finding that thief that stole my bottle of scotch finally...

Perhaps it could be is to get that hideous woolly hat because winter will be cold this year...

Wait I finally figured it out. Read Shakespeare in Klingon! Qapla!

In the end I really have no resolution for the New Year. It has been a sad year and gets sadder as I just learned one of my uncle's passed away in California just now. So all I can do is be the best eRepublik player, learn everything I need to know and one day when I become knowledgeable I will run for President. Or maybe become King of my country called Schbekistan. Anyways I just want 2016 to be much better than 2015.