A grim future for eUK

Day 391, 10:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

Many citizens will consider the Atlantis v Peace war currently engaging in France to be the most enjoyable time on erepublik since they joined. As we speak, there will be citizens who have reached the moment where they are hooked on eRepublik like a helpless cod. The next generation of supersoldiers will be moulded. The lastest political visionaries will be born. Shrewd businessman will be spurred on by a war economy lining the pockets moreso than any market conditions they have seen before.

But this will not be a highpoint for the UK, it will be a swansong.

Politically, sheep voting has engulfed the electoral scene beyond repair. If we have not already reached that point, we are getting ever closer to the inevitable day when elections are truly decided by an elite group on the forums. Elections will be decided by endorsments rather than popular support. I predict the current political scene will remain, with a constant of 3 main parties, and each election day will be decided whichever combination of endorsments are made. These 3 parties will change. Every once and a while, falls from grace will leave a gap for a small party to rise, but democracy will not be slavaged from degration.

Economically, monopolies will have control. The will of course be innumerable small businesses but these will go nowhere fast, and nowhere near fast enough to stop monopolisation from engulfing each and every market. We may well be able to watch battles between differen large monopolies, but in essence only a select few will ever get be part of this economic game.

And I don't forsee thw military side of the game eluding this decline either. As it is, two alliances dominate, but cracks are quite visible. In my opinion the tussles of Antlantis and Peace will lead to one of two outcomes. One alliance will slowly engulf the over and for a long period of time there will be nothing but small minor wars. The other outcome I envisage is that the financial strain of wat will become too great, and the two alliances will retreat into caution, and every few months, we will get to see a short blast of war but it won't last long.

The common theme in all of these is a strong group ot establishment forming, and using its position in this, the early stages of the game, to form an inherant strength. Naturally, although it will undoubtedly take an intolerable amount of time, these will crumble, and for a period time, probably brief, the citizens of eUK will experience what he have been hooked on all this time. Very few of us will be around to witness this however.

The aspect of erepublik that binds the game together into the sad addiction of us no-lifers is without doubt the community. This is the reason we play this game, not profit, presidency or precocious soldiers. But even this is not capable of averting the great decline. As the forum population grows personal opinion will be become group opinon. And group opinion will become party line. Worse, is the inevitable increase in trolling. More people means more trolls. The future of the forums is regular charged flame wars.

So to those who will be playing erepublik in 6 months, 12 months or even 18 months time. Enjoy the game. Its great. In the meantime, Those who made your country what it is will have quit the game or at very best be marauding around the smallest countries looking for a taste of the good old days.