A Fistfull of ....

Day 3,978, 03:10 Published in Belgium Belgium by Director9

Dear all who read this,

thank you for reading it. Three points on the agenda : CP, BH/SH/good deed.

CP : I'd like to thank the citizens of eBe for electing me. Although I'm taking it easy on the battlefield the coming weeks, not tanking to 20k PP on the first day and so on, the country workings will remain the same.

BH/SH : BH/SH stealing, reservations, 10-minute rule and so on. Those in the game long enough have heard of it, seen it, using it or have been confronted by it. Pretty sure most have seen numerous shouts in their feeds.
I'll be the first to admit, I'm profiting from above said "rules". Keeping the cost low meaning the profit is high, the return is fixed by the medals received.
Medals are cheap.

If you think someone steals your medal, maybe it should be : someone is preventing me from getting cheap gold.

Like in the good old days, defend it 😛

Good deed : Remember those missions, from when you started out? They still exist. And to make make matters worse, there are still people who have started playing the game and have these missions to complete. This player needs to finish the friends mission, please befriend him so he can get the reward. Shout it out in your friend feed, MU feed, country feed.

Back to work all, have a nice day, love you all,

Die Nein, D9, DeeNine, Director9, or pain in the butt 😉