[Wavve] Introducing Butter Chicken Party

Day 2,061, 05:03 Published in India Australia by ShockWavve

Brothers and their sisters..........We introduce , the next big thing........our own Butter chicken party.

Advantages of Joining Butter chicken Party-

Free Butter Chicken daily home delivered from famous Jaskaran's Haveli Dhaba

veggie will get Butter Paneer masala ,speciality of our head chef Uncle Neel

Second benefit.....u can go to anywhere in the eWorld .....Punjab Police wont cut ur chalan

Third benefit .........u get whiskhy at discount (yeah no free booooozzzeee......we dont want our members to get thali all the time}

So Join our Party for free butter chicken and cheaper whiskhy under the protection of punjab police......

JOIN INDIAN CAMRADES PARTY...........JOIN the Party that makes a free thinkers and Independent leaders of eIndia.


Vigorious AKA deadley......plz lower ur weapon down now........i have written the article that u asked .


Not so important person here