[UPD][MoFa]НАП между Польшей и Украиной.

Day 1,583, 12:35 Published in Belarus Belarus by Ministry of Foreign Affairs BY

Здравствуйте, сограждане.
Я хочу представить вашему вниманию договор между Польшей и Украиной о прекращении огня. Как вы сможете прочитать ниже, согласно этому соглашению Польша и Беларусь не могут объявить друг другу НЕ. Это обезопасит наши границы от неожиданного вторжения.

Carpathian Agreetment

The Government of the eUkraine and the ePoland
- eUkraine representative: MoFA of eUkraine - Kromov
- ePoland representative: MoFA of ePoland - Last Straw

and Govermment´s representants of eHungary - AttilaFlagellumDei and eBelarus - Avers II


Convinced of the urgent necessity of the establishment of a justice and comprehensive peace between ePoland and eUkraine;
Publicly arraigning k0stek, formerly ePoland CP, for launching totally unprovoked and unjustified war against eUkraine;
Desiring to bring to an end the state of war between them and to establish a peace in which every state in the area can live in security;

Agree to the following provisions in the free exercise of their sovereignty;

Article I
Termination of war

1. The state of war between the Parties will be terminated and peace will be established between them upon the full implementation of the following provisions of this Agreement.
2. As soon as it´s possible, after all natural regions of each country will be under it control, both coutries will approve law “No NE”.

Article II
Interim Withdrawal

1. ePoland shall ensure that its organised MUs would not fight against eUkraine, and vice versa, in this war and will make every effort to ensure finish the war in as less battles as it´s possible;

Article III

1. Until this Agreement remains in force ePoland, in the future, will not interfere with the war plans of eUkraine regarding other nations and vice versa.
2. ePoland shall ensure that its organised MUs would not fight against eUkraine in the war between eUkraine and other nations.

Article IV

1. ePoland will pay a monetary compensation to eUkraine in amount 20,12 in gold.

Article V
With the effort of stabilize the situation in central-Europe region, this Agreetment adds two news parts which sign:

1. ePoland will not declare eBelarus as NE and vice versa.
2. eHungary will not declare eUkraine as NE and vice versa.

Article VI
Entry into Force

1. This Agreement enters into force beginning from the date when all formalities mentioned in the clause 2 of this Article VI are met and will be renewed every 7th of month at 12:00 eRepublik time automatically, unless it is terminated by any of the Parties providing that such Party has sent a 3-days prior notification to another Party.
2. This treaty will come into immediate effect when the following 3 conditions have been met:
2.1. All Country Presidents mentioned above agree with this proposal;
2.2. eHungary and eBelarus- 3rds parts, signed this treaty as a witness and parts
2.3. All sides have published this treaty in the official state newspaper of their countries.
3. All sides have published this treaty in the official state newspaper of their countries. ePoland, eUkraine, eHungary and eBelarus Governments officials including CPs and MoDs shall publish information about this agreetment in official articles and shouts addressed to citzens, MUs and allies.

21-12-2012, Day 1,583
10:00 eRepublik time

Kromov, MoFA of eUkraine

Last Straw, MoFA of ePoland

Avers II, MoFA of eBelarus

attilaflagellumdei, MoFA of eHungary

Исполняющий обязанности Министра Иностранных Дел
Аверс Второй.

Как стало известно, Польша отказалась от договора. Так что, не исключено, что она может объявить нам войну. Не даром этот пункт был там прописан.