[UKRP] The results are in...

Day 2,459, 04:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by WookieO

You lucky, lucky UKRPers...

Just a short article today to let you know the results (if you haven’t seen them already) of our Party President primary vote.

The people have spoken and you’ve very kindly given me (yes I know, me huh? Who’d have thunk it?) another chance to annoy you with personal messages, embarrassing party articles and talking about my sex life.

More, more, more...voters needed!

How do I like it? With more voters next time please.

Yes, admittedly the turnout in the primary was not overwhelming at only 25%, but such is the way in eRepublik and the wider world unfortunately.

Thanks to Neil Lewis for providing the opposition and for pulling out of the race after the primary results were in. Unfortunately I cannot get in touch with Sambo911 who must be on his holidays.

However I would urge you not to vote for him, however much of a nice chap he is (and he is) and concentrate your votes on myself or, better yet, hold them until later in case of any anti (political) takeover (ATO) measures that need implementing.

I shall keep you informed of anything regarding the ATO on the party feed throughout Friday.

That’s all for now.

Thanks for reading as always,


UK Reform Party President
Royal Whipping Boy
Hairiest Dentist