[UKRP] Supah Weekly House Raffle

Day 2,755, 01:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gali.

Yay Fata!

Well this time we had a lot bigger turn-out, which is great. Yet now it's unfortunately time for me to spend all that wonga on prizes!

In third place- Luke Braferd
Luke wins 1 Q1 house!

In second place- Sir Jimmy Savile
Sir Jimmy wins 1 Q2 house!

In first place- IStoleYourHeart
IStoleYourHeart wins 1 Q3 house!

Here's a screenshot-

IStoleYourHeart narrowly wins something...

In an unprecedented display of generosity and genius, I will also be letting you buy raffle tickets in this article!

You'll be in a chance of winning either a Q1, Q2, or Q3 house! All you have to do is purchase some raffle tickets, which cost only 5CC. The more tickets you buy, the more likely you'll be to win something!

Comment how many tickets you'd like, and then send the appropriate amount of money to me so I can use it for the prize fund/send it to Dave/spend it on rare Pepes.

Thanks for reading, I'll write something more interesting later today/tomorrow.

Buy sum tickets pls
