[UKRP] Arsehouse goes into port

Day 2,762, 05:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gali.

Le feels

Yes, it's one day until the Galiterm™ ends, and thank Fata it's over. Anyway, I think it's time we took a look back at the term to reassure myself that I actually did a good job.

Getting elected was a great honour for me, with 44 UKRPers turning up at the community centre to vote for me, despite me being the only candidate. It was that night that a few of us (mainly Sambo) got a bit tipsy and consequently got confused as to what month it was, believing that I had lost the election. I'll admit, I too was rather confused when I got into the PP cabal, seeing as I still believed that I had just suffered my 24th devastating loss.

Having been informed that I was in fact the UKRP PP by a not-so-sober Appleby, I promptly set about going on holiday for a week.

It was during this holiday that I realised that I should probably complete some of my manifesto promises, and with that in mind I set about talking to the ESO PP, Sir Jimmy, and the WRP PP, Aaron. It was from these talks that the Total War league was born. These talks also had a profound effect on the UKRP Congress list...

There were a couple of criticisms of the list, namely the the placing of Perilous and Max so high, which I'll admit was a bit unusual of me. Nonetheless, the UKRP list for May/June is still by far the best in the country.

Following this, I decided that it was high time we kicked off the WRP-UKRP Total War tournament, which was a popular idea amongst other parties (Just me, Ad, and PP volunteered :/ ), and soon became the ESO-WRP-UKRP Total War league. Also, at this time, I looked to redeem myself from the criticisms of my giving ESO a free seat, and started to talk to Sir Jimmy about a very informal and loosely termed 'deal', which didn't achieve much in the way of redemption.

I'd like to think that I've left the party in a good position, with a community going as strong as ever, with new players like atWarMadara, cool people like Fata, and smelly people like Rob. I'd like to also think that our strengthened relations with WRP and ESO are in some way helpful, and that our maemaes are as strong as ever.

PP Primary Results

As you UKRPers will know, a PP primary was carried out. The results of this I will reveal now. So, the winner iiiis...


Yes, that's right. In an incredible comeback, Sp_ngey managed to get 32 votes despite not having said a word for months!

Hail Sp_nger

UKRP Strike

My party fellows have expressed their desire for a UKRP strike!

This seems like a pretty neat idea, so in our next big hit we'll hopefully be giving out some prizes to the UKRP big-hitters. You'll hear more about this later.

eRep memecon

I'm including a list of UKRP articles now because I'm copying ESO-
Arsehouse Has Sailed- Gali
UKRP Supah Update- Gali
UKRP Congress List- Gali
Rome: Total War Tournament- Gali
UKRP Weekly House Raffle- Gali
Another Raffle- Gali
I'm including this as a UKRP article to break up the Gali spam- Rob

You get the jist of it.

Hopefully you've somewhat enjoyed this month, I'll be doing other stuff like NHS work for a while now, good luck to our next PP...

PS- Ad actually won the primary- congratz.
Also, I haven't forgotten about the raffle, just running a bit short for time.

-See ya