[UKRP] Another Month...

Day 2,650, 10:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gali.

Yohoho wet ap

Well, you know what they say- another month, another pair of blood-soaked trousers.
On that note, it has come to my attention that we have new(ish, it's been a while since the elections) PP here at the UK Randy Patty Party! This new PP goes by the name of Massacar.

UKRP Media Spam

Where is it?
At this point last term we had a load of UKRP articles in the top 5, surely you don't require Butjam and Fata's joint purses as persuasion to write something?
Ohwait sorry, we're all cheapskates aren't we...

Not many people know about the UKRP boat, built a long time ago by some oldfags...

It's not that hard to spew some abominations, it's in fact easy to chuck some steaming dung into the eUK media. All you need is a bit of determination and to be mentally challenged. So, will you be the one to write the kewwwlest UKRP-related article of the month? You'll have to write one to find out.

SCRAP all that, Rob truly wrote a fantastic addition to our glorious media- Vote it up pl0x

UKRP Mongs

Remember that the Congress elections are coming up in just three days!
As usual, the UKRP will put up a fine list of intelligent and witty candidates, just like last month and almost every month before. So when y'all outsiders go to vote, remember that we will have the finest list. Don't be a drone, vote for the best Congress list, not necessarily your party's.

UKRP Mongs will, as always, be expected to act sensibly, question the actions of their CP, ministers, fellow Congress members and PP, but also have a bit o fun.

To the Congress hopefuls- remember to send Massacar your applications. "I would like each of you to send me a PM listing any and all experience, why you'd like to join congress, and how you'd like to spend your afternoon with Wayne." Find Massa's full article here.

The 'other' Parties

A lot has been happening in the UKPP and TUP.


After Pannonian Nomad resigned from his position as UKPPPPPP, the controversial Lord London, prolly a multi user, took up the reigns by default. In the following PP elections, Lord London ran, with his main opponent as CrispyDragon. LL was defeated, and Crispy is now trying to finally make a good UKPP Congress list.
A lot of debate surrounded this situation, with accusation of PTOing and multi-usage flying about...UKPP Congressmen will never be quite as good as ours 😛


TUP was consumed by the boringness that has always been normal there when Bohemond4 went inactive whilst being PP. What followed was an election battle between the two primary candidates...Maelina De Melrose, the figurehead of all things boring and TUPish, and Leo Balzac, subject of a section in Muck Raker.
When Leo won by just two votes, there were a lot of PTO accusations thrown against DC. Most of the accusations were saying that Leo and DC were importing voters, and the lines on whether that should be classed as a PTO or not were blurred. Either way, Leo is actually trying to rid the party of that group that just sit there and complain, you know the sort?

That was boring, especially the writing.

I understand that a lot of members of those parties may feel alienated, just know that there's probably a space here at UKRP for you, in a great community that actually looks after teh n00bs.
...No, not you Dapper...

Well, I'm surprised that you actually read that.

-Start writing dung.
-Vote UKRP for Mongress.
-Join UKRP if you feel a tad sad about your party.

-UKRP Councillor
-Captain of the HMS Abrantes
-now they cant feel lonely