the story part.2.

Day 1,647, 05:33 Published in Finland United Kingdom by Pargali Ibrahim Pasha

Engleski novinar Will Starr nije vjerovao u te priče, pa je odlučio otići u Ameriku i to ispitati. Takoje u Philadelphiji intervjuirao demonologa Loua Gentilea, na čiji je nagovor proveo dva dana u dvije zgrade u kojima navodno postoje duhovi.Will kaže da ga je bilo strah duhova obje noći. Prvu noć , doveo ih je u kuću koja je bila sagrađena na vrhu groblja. Obitelj koja je tamo živjela proživljavala je strašne stvari – pojavljivala su se razna lica na prozorima, trogodišnji sin se žalio na noćne posjete starca, čulo se škripanje vrata.Will tvrdi da je susret sa Louom promijenio njegovo gledanje na nadnaravne pojave. Počeo je razumjeti i sofisticirane elektronske aparate koje Lou koristi za snimanje duhova, a kojima može uhvatiti zvukove koje čovjek ne može čuti. Kao odgovor na pitanje, da li postoje duhovi u kući, primijetio je da je upaljena crvena lampica počela bljeskati što znači da je registrirala zvuk koji oni nisu mogli čuti. Kada su preslušali vrpcu, kao odgovor na postavljena pitanja čuo je režanje te osjetio dodir na ramenu...

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English journalist Will Starr did not believe in these stories, so he decided to go to America and to examine. Reported for the Philadelphia demonologa interviewed Lou Gentile, at whose instigation he spent two days in two buildings in which there are apparently duhovi.Will says he was afraid of ghosts both nights. The first night, brought them into the house that was built on top of the cemetery. The family who lived there, experiencing the horrible things - appeared to have different faces at the windows, a three-year son had complained of nocturnal visits to the old man heard the crunch vrata.Will argues that the encounter with Lou changed his view on supernatural phenomena. He began to understand the sophisticated electronic devices that Lou used to capture the spirits, and which can capture sounds that man can not hear. In response to a question, whether there are ghosts in the house, he noticed that the sore began flashing red light which means that registered the sound that they could not hear. When they listen to the tape, in response to the questions he heard a growl and felt a touch on the shoulder ...

10 v i s and write part.3.