the story part.1.

Day 1,646, 12:01 Published in Finland United Kingdom by Pargali Ibrahim Pasha

Kada su Chuck Hanson i njegova supruga kupili hotel u mjestu Keosauqua u Iowi, pričalo se da u njemu žive duhovi, no nisu se dali obeshrabriti. Navodno na trećem katu hotela „žvi“ duh Mary Manson, kćer Luisa i Nancy Manson, koji su kupili hotel 1857. godine. Ona je radila u hotelu skoro cijeli svoj život i umrla je upravo na trećem katu 1911. godine.Umrla je u snu u svojoj omiljenoj ljuljački. Gosti još uvijek čuju njenu ljuljačku, a vlasnici tvrde da i ostali duhovi dođu tu i tamo javiti se gostima. Chuck Hanson kaže da duhovi otvore vrata, pale i gase svjetla, uzimaju gostima pokrivače. Ponekad se čak i kreveti zatresu. Gosti čuju korake kao da netko hoda po sobi, ne vide nikoga, iako neki tvrde da su vidjeli pokojeg duha, tj. duha žene kako hoda po sobi i onda nestane. Drugi tvrde da su vidjeli djecu kako se igraju u sobi i koja su prolazili kroz zatvorena vrata...

10 v i s i nastavljam s pričom.

When Chuck Hanson and his wife bought the hotel in Keosauqua, Iowa, there were rumors that ghosts live there, but did not provide discouraged. Apparently on the third floor of the hotel, "Zvi" spirit of Mary Manson, daughter of Louis and Nancy Manson, who bought the hotel 1857th year. She has worked at almost all his life and died right on the third floor of the 1911th godine.Umrla was asleep in his favorite swing. Guests still hear her swing, and the owners claim that other ghosts come here and there to pick up guests. Chuck Hanson says that the spirits of open doors, turn on and off lights, taking away blankets. Sometimes even the bed shook. Guests can hear the steps as if someone is walking around the room, not seeing anyone, although some claim to have seen the occasional spirit, that spirit of a woman walking across the room and then disappear. Others claim to have seen the children playing in the room and that they passed through the closed door ...

10 vote and subiscribes and I write part.2.