[The AAP Party Presidency]

Day 423, 06:39 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV
[NJ Residents...]
For those NJ residents awaiting another congressional update, expect that either tonight or later this weekend as I don't have time right now.

Also be aware that this will not affect my performance as Congressman so do not be worried, I will continue loyally and diligently to represent New Jersey in Congress.

That said

[AAP Party Presidency]
All in all, this was, in the end, a very tight race.

In case you're not interested in opening a new tab from the above link the following are the results

Ian John Locke IV (that's me 😛) 60 votes | 46.51% of votes
Uncle Sam | 59 votes | 45.74% of votes
Leo Ruby | 8 votes | 6.20% of votes
Shawn Upshaw | 1 vote | 0.78% of votes
The Black Widow | 1 vote | 0.78% of votes

As you can see the victory was secured by 1 vote and throughout the day the polls swayed back and forth between Sam and myself. When I logged off at ~12 am GMT-5:00, it was 56-55-8-1-1, and I was in the lead.

I must concede that today is simultaneously very joyful and depressing. I consider myself to be a very close friend of Uncle Sam's and to see him lose, even if I was running against him, is disquieting.

[Uncle Sam]
This is one great patriot ladies and gentleman. I hope to retain Sam as either the Head of Recruitment or as my Co-President. Despite which position he wishes to fill, I will consult him and keep conversing with him as often as his and my schedules allow for.

[What I will do as AAP PP]
I will continue Uncle Sam's focus on the Congressional Elections. As many AAP members can tell all of you, I have sent out messages like crazy lately over Congressional Elections.

In fact, I regard these PMs quite humorously, as they will tell you.

Nonetheless, the focus of this party's members shall continue to be recruitment and congressional elections.

In regard to WilliamC telling me that the Manifesto should be reworked completely, I disagree. I feel that some subtle changes should be made to make it clearer as to what we mean but these I will discuss with the party first.

I would like to add a clause stating that members must fungasm at least once a day, but that may be too hard for some of our more serious players 😛.

[Some of you are thinking: "Where's My 'Thank you'?!"]
I must thank all who voted for me last night.

A few people told me (either via PM or IRC) that they voted for me. To all of you, I have thanked you personally and wish to thank you again, you know who you are.

Thank you to the 129 voters (57.59% of the party) who voted, whoever you voted for.

Thank you to all of my out of party voters who without my knowledge messaged AAP members to get them to vote for me.

[On a less honorable note]
Many veterans of this game know that people often request that players who have not voted yet join their party to vote for them. Usually they ask this of friends.

Towards the end of the election I must admit that I did as a few friends for their help but this was only in response to the fact that our party grew several times throughout yesterday.

It turns out that those members who came in to vote earlier in the day were voting for both Sam and myself. I do not feel I won this game because of those votes because towards the end of last night I couldn't find anyone who had not yet voted. But especially I was targeting people who were already AAP members.

I must admit, however, that without previous knowledge of it, I had friends in the USWP, UCP and CVP parties who got members of their own party to join and vote for me) as well as AAP members who busted their friends' asses to sign onto eRep yesterday and vote for me.

I also must say I do not condone this and since I learned of my votes after the fact, I must say that I will ask these friends not to do this again next month if I am urged to run again.

No I am not pulling a Blagojevich. Simply put, I was confident that the race would be extremely tight in the first place as votes would jockey between Sam and me, however, I did not request the extra-party voters to come to vote for me, and I cannot believe Sam would either. This being said, neither of us acted dishonorably or disgracefully.

I was elected, mostly by AAP Members and I will take it as their will that I am their Party Presidency.

All-in-all, we only grew approximately 12 members yesterday as Wednesday night when PMing the party for the third time that day, there were only 212 members. Now (or last I checked) we have 224. If they all stay, I'd be ecstatic, but I cannot reasonably expect this.

[In Conclusion]
Thank you to everyone who just voted yesterday, AAP or not. You made an epic decision and have changed the course of eUSA no matter who you elected. All of these elections, as seemingly trivial as they are, are history-making events.

Sorry for the long article, I seem to ramble quite often lately.