[So Maybe I am a Comic Genius, but...]

Day 476, 08:01 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

Ok so what if I'm a comic genius and can get people to lulz in their pants? Big deal ...

Well I've just discovered that I'm a legitimate genius as well, I just came up with the best idea for anyone who plays this game with a fervent addiction.

I would ask anyone that agrees with me to vote up this topic and sign the forum topic here:: http://www.erepublik.com/en/forum/topic/88512/suggestion---to-do-list/1.

Comments and subscriptions would be nice.

To help you out, (so you don't waste those few kilobytes on a new webpage to add to your cache 😛) here is what I suggested on the eRepublik forums...

Hey Admin and all you loyal forum go-ers,

I have a suggestion that is related, loosely, to my last suggestion about a customizable Latest Events window....

A customizable To Do List, this should actually be simpler that customizing the Latest Events Window.

Allow citizens and organizations to keep notes for themselves like if I'm about to sign off with no time to do anything else I might want to remind myself to

"Write a suggestion for this idea in the forums for the Admins to see" so that tomorrow after Plato yells at me to work, train and possibly fight in a war, he'll remind me to go and write this topic.

You could do this similar to Shouts so that each citizen only has 10, but not 10 per day, because that would be quite stupid. Why you ask? Well I'm glad you asked (assuming you did 😛)

Let's say I signed onto eRep before my Advanced Biotechnology and Nanotechnologies lecture which I need to pay attention to once it starts. Before my class I had this genius idea I wanted to post as a suggestion in here and didn't want to forget to do so... well I could make a note in my to-do list to remind myself.

Fine, well I just finished it, now let me mark it as finished so that Plato wont't keep sticking his head in on my private matters. Now I have one more task I can use that day. So if I started with 10, used 3 and completed 2 I have 9 left after I finish those 2.

As per storing old tasks, well that's tricky to be honest. You could do something like the inbox with a maximum number of completed/missed tasks. (30... or 20... fine you haggled me to 10) but with the Extra Storage Pack, we could get unlimited or what whatever.

Also a char limit larger than 120 (shout char limit) would be WONDERFUL (that is for the to-do list function).


So as you can see I'm pure genius and pure win.

If only I was a good programmer, then I'd join the Admins and really deserve everyone's hatred. 😛

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