[Second and Final Congressional Article]

Day 400, 08:29 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

Hello my fellow New Jersey residents!

Well in 16 hours, you will be electing your next congressman from New Jersey.

I have written a congressional article already and PMed many of you with my formal presentation, but here is a recap:

I'm a hyper active member of eRepublik. Now that I'm on winter break, I've been on every day, sometimes for hours at a time. Even when I'm in school I spend quite a few hours on each and every day. I usually post an article every day or two and would use my newspaper to make the citizens of this great state aware of how I voted for each piece of legislation that passes my desk.

I'm on the IRC quite often. I am an active member of the eUSA forums, despite my lack of posting replies, I read mostly.

I've held positions in NJ gov't during the beta period.

I've many highly regarded friends and advisers in the country who most recognize as the foremost intellects in eAmerican society.

I support our troops, even though I feel this war was mismanaged.

I support our president, because he only had the best of intentions for this war.

I feel that a higher quality hospital is crucial for New Jersey as we share borders with the UK and France. This would enable our residents to fight from HOME, instead of Florida.

Taxes are industry dependent. Since we have only medium regions for Iron and Diamonds I feel we should either encourage our Iron & Diamond factories to upgrade their quality to help themselves and the country, or lower taxes on these imports, to help our gift and weapons companies keep costs low and pass those low costs onto consumers.

The citizen fee and minimum wage are both at good levels and I would change neither.

I also have an "endorsement" from NoneSuch, a well respected voice in the eRepublik world.

Competitors for NJ Congressional Seat
Paulanus(UCP) and Anchor Paddle(USWP)

Paulanus is the incumbent. He has done a good job as far as I know but I have not been made aware of his decisions on each act that has come by his desk.

-Anchor Paddle
Anchor Paddle is an old friend of sorts. In one of the last mayoral elections we ran against each other I believe. He couldn't have run in the last one because Chimichonga Barbosa was the USWP's nominee for NJ (and he won). But Anchor Paddle and I both go back a bit in NJ history.

Both of these competitors are great country men and I've nothing against either one of them. I can't say I know both or either one very well, personally, but they both have good reputations.

Still, you should vote for me. I will be on both eRep and eUSA forums EVERY DAY. And on each piece of legislation I vote on I will report to you on how I voted, why and how it ended up (passed or rejected).

Please take these last 16 or so hours to research and reflect on each candidate you are going to vote for and especially don't forget to vote tomorrow on Christmas Day.

To all, Happy Holidays this week and next. I hope to see you all tomorrow at the polls. And I hope on December 26 I will have received a great Christmas present, the congressional seat of New Jersey.

Apparently Anchor Paddle, is no longer the USWP's candidate for new Jersey, Manuel Pereira is. I knew Manuel when he started playing the game but have lost contact with him since. He like myself is a lifetime resident of this great state.

Also, the Libs have a candidate, Captain-Commander Tak, running from New York in New Jersey. It seems as if we have someone just seeking a seat at New Jersey's expense.

Updated list:
Manuel Pereira
Captain-Commander Tak
and myself

Ian John Locke