[R&A] [外電]如何享受eRep?

Day 1,657, 05:39 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by strangerthe

原文連結:How to enjoy erepublik?


This article is a guideline for enjoying this boring and €-oriented game.

First of all, you should be aware that this is just a game. In erepublik you are not really fighting for your country nor for your liberty. Even if you get deleted in erepublik map, dont worry your country is on the map in real life.

One point that attract my attention; This game is mostly based on self-satisfaction, and mostly citizens from non-aligned countries or developing countries. You can check the top countries if you like to understand what i mean. Do you think this is a message? Some people are trying to prove themselves with showing how powerful they are on e-world? I guess so.
有一點引起我的注意:這遊戲主要是建立在自我滿足感之上,而且大多數的人民來自無結盟國家或開發中國家。如果你想知道我在說什麼的話,去看看top countries你就會知道我的意思了。這是否告訴了你什麼?有些人在這e世界展現權勢來試圖證明他們自己。我猜就是如此。

Apart from that there are plenty of university students from the four corners of the world who i like the most. Who make this game worth playing.

There exist also some exceptions but i am talking about the majority, dont forget.

I am not writing this to underestimate someone These are just the facts. If one really has time to be a country president in this game, he/she is most probably a useless boss, a lazy student, an unemployed person or an asocial having job/life in front of the computer.

As i said, there are always exceptions. I meet great people here, having contact with of them in real life but sadly they are only few.

When i talk to people, most really cares about their e-nation a lot. That lacks you enjoying the game in this point. Just leave it. We are thinking about the nations, politics in rl more then enough. Just try to enjoy it here, just try to create another world. You can fight with other countries in the game but why so much hatred?

‘In the schools, they kindle patriotism in the children by means of histories describing their own people as the best of all peoples and always in the right. Among adults they kindle it by spectacles, jubilees, monuments, and by a lying patriotic press. Above all, they inflame patriotism in this way: perpetrating every kind of harshness and injustice against other nations, they provoke in them enmity towards their own people, and then in turn exploit that enmity to embitter their people against the foreigner.’

-Leo Tolstoy

So here are some tips to make erepublik more enjoyable, less hateful community;


***Add some friends to your list from your Natural Enemy and have conversations with them. You will see that you are not so different.

***Never pay for the game if you think you are gonna regret.

***Trolling sometimes is good, you can see people reactions in different cases which gives you opportunity to know people better.

***Try to empathize with people. We all live in the same system with different culturel patterns. I guess we all agree that politicians are not trustable person. Don’t forget they are the ones for looong time who are deciding the progress of our culture via education system, media, etc…

***When you get mad about something, simply just log out instead of becoming furious. Take a coffee, light up a cigarette and think of something beautiful. Dont forget its just a stupid game!

***Change citizenship as much as possible, its the best way to meet new people. Don’t worry about medals or golds. You can survive without gold, believe me. Its also great way to practice a foreign language for you.
