[R&A] [外電]聯盟及戰場系統

Day 1,697, 09:50 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by strangerthe

原文連結:[DoE] Alliances & War System
原作者:eUS Department of Education

If you've ever been confused staring at the map wondering why we're not attacking a key region, or wondering what an MPP is or how attacking works, this article is for you. I'll carefully break down wars and peace, as well as what the superalliances are and what their place in the world is.


"War" is a state that two nations are in after a natural enemy declaration. Congress or the President can propose to start a war this way, and it requires a 66% confirmation from Congress to put it into action. When the country is at war, it will automatically invade a territory of their natural enemy every 6 hours (unless another battle is already underway).

A state of war between two nations can only be ended in two ways: a peace treaty, when both nations agree to stop via a mutual law passing, or wiping, where one country completely removes their opponent from the map. More on that in just a bit. A war's ending simply means the two countries can no longer invade each other.
兩國之間的戰爭狀態只能以下列兩種方法停止: 和平協議,需要兩國彼此都通過停火法案,或滅國,直到其中一方完全的將他們的敵人從地圖上抹去為止。停火的意義其實很簡單。戰爭狀態的結束代表著雙方再也不能彼此侵犯


Alliances, also called MPPs (short for mutual protection pact), are agreements between two nations to defend each other. Both country's congresses approve them at the same time, and once accepted, the countries will be able to fight for each other from their home regions. MPPs cost 10,000 in each side's currency to sign.

MPPs are the lifeblood of any war machine. As soon as any invasion in a war occurs, all of those countries can fight in that battle and any subsequent battles. A country that doesn't have a lot of MPPs will quickly lose most battles they start.

Alliances are not active in resistance wars, which is explained in the next couple sections.


They say no man is an island, in the New World, this is true for countries...even island countries. The world is split into four alliances: Terra, EDEN, ONE and CoT. Terra is the alliance we are in, ONE is our enemy and EDEN is our allie.

Below are maps and memberlists for the four alliances. You can click the maps to see them at double size.


Members: Canada, France, Germany, Cyprus, Russia, and USA


EDEN (eRepublik Defense and Economy Network)

Members: Albania, Belarus, China, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Republic of China (Taiwan), Turkey, Ukraine


Trial countries (Garden of EDEN Alliance): India, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Argentina


Members: Hungary, Indonesia, Poland, Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdomn



Members: Bulgaria, Chile, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, South Korea, Switzerland



There are some simple rules to what can be attacked and what can't. For a country to attack a region, it must share a border somewhere in it's country. Borders can be seen at the bottom of a region's page, which can be found from a country's Society tab. This doesn't have to be a visible land border. As an example, look at the International Port State of Hawaii, which shares a border with Japan.

Battles also can't be initiated if the region is already under attack by another country or by a resistance.

Alliances are only functional in a normal battle, which is initiated by a President.

Alternatively, if a resistance war is started (which can be initiated by anyone in a conquered territory, it cannot be done in a home territory; i.e. someone can do a RW in Norte, but not North Carolina), then no alliances will be active on both sides, and the battle can only be fought in the occupying country's regions.
相對的,如果一場 起義戰被開啟(起義戰可以被任何人在被征服的土地上開啟,但無法在原有領土上開啟;也就是一個人可以開啟在Norte開啟起義戰,但無法在North Carolina開啟),而且雙方都不會有盟友,也只能在佔領國的領土內參與戰爭。

Wiping a country means to conquer all of it's regions, removing it from the map entirely. When this happens, all of that country's wars and alliances are wiped clean, and the country can only earn independence again through resistance wars. No elections can take place while a country is wiped, because it technically has no citizens.


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Until next time,

Department of Education Team