[R&A] [外電]烏克蘭 - 擁有眾多面向的陰影

Day 1,635, 10:00 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by strangerthe

原文連結:Ukraine – a shadow with many faces
原作者:Elnoor Asteros

Many of you will wonder why I have chosen today to speak about a single country, when I usually cover the entire world. Well, the truth is, talking about Ukraine is like talking about the entire world, because every action this country does, affects in one way or another all of us.

Unfortunately, if you are on the TEDEN side, the article today will displease you because you will hear some hard-to-accept truths, but if you are on the ONE side, you will jubilate as you will see how faith turns so much in your favor lately. I do not want to be understood wrong; this is not ONE propaganda, as I write as a citizen from a candidate to enter EDEN, Republic of Moldavia.

Many articles have been already written covering the problem between Russia and Ukraine, but in this one I will show you new information regarding that conflict, plus another view at Ukraine honor. Let’s start first with an older conflict of interests.

All started when the admins created True Patriot medal. The turmoil in my country was very high as we are known as a pacifist country, against any kind of war. Citizens in our country we’re afraid they will lose time and growth if they remain here, so they decided to flee. This put us in a dire situation, and appealed to our imagination to create war when we are between two allies.

The solution came just after a few hours of brainstorming, to bring Lithuania in Podolia, and start a war with them. To convince Lithuania to come in Podolia was simple, and we we’re already celebrating, imagining ourselves in Vilnius, with a Moldavian flag over their capital. Here, the Ukraine problems started.


23:02 Elnoor Asteros We convinced Lithuania to come at the border with us? Do you allow us?
23:02 Pan Xenochik Sure, friend no problem, anything for a fellow Edenite.
23:02 Elnoor Asteros Then please do not fight in Podolia and Polisia!
23:02 Pan Xenochik Okay, trust us!

23:02 Elnoor Asteros 我們說服立陶宛來我們國境邊界,你允許我們嗎?
23:02 Pan Xenochik 當然沒問題,朋友,為了EDEN的朋友沒問題。
23:02 Elnoor Asteros 那麼請不要在Podolia和Polisia這兩處輸出!
23:02 Pan Xenochik 沒問題,相信我們!

We opened the NE law on Lithuania, and waited patiently for 24 hours. The RW in Polisia was started at the same time. We have thought that maybe mercenaries and medal hunter’s, and hoped that Ukraine will not fight in there. We we’re so wrong, as the mighty army of Ukraine fought so hard in there, instead of fighting in Subcarpathia to liberate it from Polish invaders. Of course, with Lithuania too weak to oppose medal hunters plus Ukraine army, the region fallen down, and our only hope was to not open RW in Podolia, before we attack. We announced everyone living in that region to not press support, inclusively the Ukrainian president. It was all a matter of seconds, but even the Ukrainian president pressed support, as we specially monitored his medals. We lost our hope then, as we worked so hard to get those Lithuanians at our border.

Now the pressure grew even bigger, with revolts in the country demanding war. We we’re in a bad situation, as this last two months we worked so hard to be accepted as members in EDEN. Even if people that left, we’re advising us to leave also or join ONE, we didn’t back down as our love for EDEN was far too great. We believed in EDEN, that they can be the ones to give our country a purpose on this world.

Then the fated day came, as Ukraine congressman declared war on us, and probably the same people that did that, hacked my account and declared war back to Ukraine. It was clear now for us, what their intentions we’re. As many people from high positions warned us, Ukraine was after us, in one way or another. It seems they chosen another.

We still didn’t startle. We listened to EDEN advisors, and decided to make the best out of this mess. A training war with Ukraine, while protecting them from western threats, was the plan. The plan that EDEN was informed and which the president of Ukraine agreed. Then, our congressman’s voted almost all Yes, and the war started with our attack in Bukovina. Ukraine knew that we lost all of our mpp’s, so the plan was for them to stop their citizens to fight against us. Ohh, and again we trusted them, and we regretted so hard. We started the attack, just after they secured the fight in Donbas against Poland, as the Ukrainian CP requested. The first round went well, not much damage wasted by us. Next round was a little hard but we managed. The third round already the entire Ukrainian army (NOT INFORMED BY ANYONE TO NOT FIGHT), fought against us,but with great loss of damage we managed to win this round too. I can attest you, that after this 3 rounds, was already morning and I was sleeping with the head on the laptop. The next rounds, not being taken care by anyone, we lost one after another. Even if we tried to stop them finally at the last round, they forced so much, that not even 20-30 million damage on our side, was not enough.

Then the worst came, they attacked us in Northern Basarabia, and with ease they took from us. Right now, they are attacking Chisinau, our capital, even if they could have waited 24 hours to attack or to attack the other region. But no, they wanted our cows. Those cows that even the Polish renounced on them, they decided to take them.
然後噩夢來了,他們攻入我們的Northern Basarabia,並且輕易的拿下了。此刻,就算他們可以選擇等待24小時或是攻擊其他地方,但他們仍攻擊我們的首都Chisinau。因為他們想要我們的牛。就算波蘭宣布放棄這些牛,他們仍然決定拿走。

So, can we really trust them again after all these problems? I cannot imagine, that first I was supporting them in the conflict with Russia, until I saw a very disturbing shout from Pan Xenochik, e😜resident mentioning that“Ukraine plus Sweden – true love, fight in Bohus”. Then I understood that the Ukrainians do not want Russia to be friendly with EDEN, and because of their hate against them, they try to destroy the entire TEDEN alliance.
所以,在發生這麼多事情後我們仍然能夠真心相信他們嗎?我無法想像,第一,我曾經在他們對俄羅斯的衝突中支持他們,直到我看見他們前總統Pan Xenochik非常有問題的shout,”烏克蘭和瑞典 – 真愛,在Bohus作戰吧”。然後我了解了烏克蘭人不希望俄羅斯與EDEN友好,就只因為他們對俄羅斯的厭惡,他們試著摧毀TEDEN聯盟

Disturbing news I received today when I found out that there is no ruling government in Ukraine, and local “leaders” control the country. Their president, Olekandr82, was bluffing all the time and probably they guy we spoken with was not even him, but someone from Ukraine trying to keep the image that Ukraine is still stable. Nothing more wrong, something is very rotten inside Ukraine, and that disease can extend to all of us, if we don’t severe our links with them.

Elnoor Asteros,
Simple Citizen of Republic of Moldavia

P.S – Please come and fight for Moldavia. We do not deserve to be deleted from the map, by some cowards carrying 25 mpps in their backs, while we have just one, and that one with Uruguay. If you want free weapons, or gold for your damage, please come to #mdarmy, and offer us much needed support. If you are a diplomat, please come to #md.mofa to inform more about this situation.
