[R&A] [外電]日本總統就職宣言

Day 1,629, 10:15 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by strangerthe

原文連結:Inaugural Article

This is my inaugural article as President of eJapan. First, I would like to thank all those who had voted for me. Without your support I will not have come to this position. I would also like to thank Squibeel for his support upon the results. I do believe he and I can work together on quite a few things.

Cabinet: I am currently working on the new Cabinet. While there will be some changes, in general this will be the continuation of the previous administrations in going down the path of eJapanese independence and revival.

Military Units: Discussions on how eJapan will run MUs, such as designating state-run MUs and method of supplying are nearly completed. It is my goal to ensure that the system starts running to full efficiency within my term. WIth my various experience working in MUs before, I believe I can lead this to a success along with our great military leaders.

Diplomacy: Our main focus shall continue to be eROC, along with budding new relationships. Like it or not, eROC is our closest neighbor, and I believe that eJapan's destiny lies with becoming even closer to eROC. With my friend SORA Chung as President of eROC, I am certain he and I can form the foundations of every closer relations. In addition to eROC, we shall continue our diplomatic offensive, moving from the neutral stagnation of the past to a more proactive future.

There have been some concerns about who I am. I believe this is due to a lack of information concerning myself, since I haven't really spoken to people beyond the political circle of eJapan and trading channels. I shall use this part of the article to introduce Sumeragi Akeiko to you.
有些人對於我有些疑慮。我相信這是因為缺少關於我的資訊,因為我尚未和交易頻道及e日本政治圈以外的玩家有過真正的交流。我將利用本篇文章中的此段來向你們介紹Sumeragi Akeiko。

Basically, I am the first RL ethnic Japanese woman to become President of eJapan. While it is true that I had eKorean citizenship in the past, I was originally an eJapanese from the start, and worked for the benefit of eJapan. Contrary to the concerns of some, I have no intention of turning eJapan into some proxy, and will fight vigorously for the true independence of eJapan. As my friend SORA Chung can attest to, I am eJapanese, and I will work for eJapan.
基本上,我是第一個成為e日本總統的RL日本女性。過去我擁有e南韓國籍也是個事實,但一開始我是e日本人,且為了e日本的利益而努力著。和某些人的疑慮相反,我並沒有要將e日本變成某種代理人,我也將會盡我所能的為了e日本真正的獨立而奮戰。我的朋友SORA Chung能證明,我是個日本人,而我也將為e日本貢獻心力。


This concludes my inaugural article. Please expect the Cabinet announcement soon. Long live eJapan!