[R&A] [外電]遊戲經營

Day 1,621, 03:17 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by strangerthe

原文連結:Game Business [Eng][Cro][Tur][Pyc]

Hi guys,

I am a marketing nerd in RL and I spent more than 8 years in a mass market business. What happens now in the game is sad. With the time the gap between strong and mid level and mid level and noobs is getting bigger.

I remember the time when the game was played by 300K people and now there is about only 80K left. The damage difference and the FF system is making the gap bigger and bigger.

Actually there are 3 layers of game now. Strongest elite play one game (and pay money for golds). Mid level is making politics and friends. And the rest is just logging in sometimes to see if anything happens at all.

I would assume that there are 5000 people in gold-buyers 10000 in sometimes-buyers and the rest is 65000 sometimes-players. Dunno if i am right in my calculations (just assumptions).

The problem is that the non-buyers will be losing the interest for the game because it is hard to achieve something in the game. As a result we will see the 65K melting to probably max 20K which is active for this or that reason and we will end up with just 5K + 5K + 20K - 30.000 people playing.
問題在於不買G的玩家將會因為他們無法在遊戲中達成任何事情而喪失他們對這遊戲的興趣。結果就是6.5萬的玩家減少至最多約2萬人,他們為了某些原因而留下,所以我們最後剩下5千+5千+2萬 – 3萬玩家還在玩這遊戲。

As we know from similar games it does not create the critical mass for keeping balances. We already see the economy module collapsed. Politics are affected by bot-votes and newspapers are actually blogs.

5K people bring about 50 dollars each to the owners/month making about 250.000 USD of monthly revenues (my humble assumption), the rest is bringing maybe another 50.000 USD monthly.

Half of this definitely goes to cover the payroll and servers. So we have the business that brings 150K monthly to the owners (deduct 30% to taxes and you ll get 100K monthly) from one side and 5K payers from another side.

These 5K ... tell me why they are paying? They pay to dominate among the other 75K people thats it. When/if Plato kills the non-payer segment the 5K payers will lose their interest too and will move to alternative games.

There should be a sustainable program for support of the noobs and bringing fun. The gap between 3 layers of players should get narrow and we may have a chance to have the game after 6-12 months.

Otherwise people will log in rarely and when everybody is pissed .. it does not last long. It resembles me last days of communism tbh.

Anyways. I dunno if the game owners read the papers, but I guess they know not only calculations but basics of mass market rules. People play for people and for impressing people. If there is nobody to impress there is no game.

Please take care of the noobs and mid-level. We need healthier game, which can be played and enjoyed for free (and where buying gold is an option, not a must-do).

Have a nice day everybody o7 Sorry about long wall of text.