[R&A] [外電]新手的投資教學

Day 1,611, 23:29 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by strangerthe

原文連結:How should I spend my Gold?
原作者:David Wilson


Curious how to best spend that precious Gold you're given?

Today I continue my education series with an article on Buildings and Profit.

Other Articles in the Series

Natural Enemy
Resource Bonuses

Buildings and Profit

Everyone starts out the game with 3 grain farms and a Q1 food factory.
Spending 10 wellness at each grain farm gives you Food Raw Materials (FRM).
You can then use the FRM and 10 wellness to work in your food factory which produces Q1 food.
Each unit of Q1 food restores 2 wellness.

Since we currently have 100% resource bonuses, I am going to use current production as an example.

For other % bonus production see the following CHART.

With 3 grain farms you can produce 210 FRM (70 each).
Your 1 Q1 food factory will require 200 FRM to produce 200 units of food.
That leaves you with 10 FRM to save and sell for profit.

*Note* Even though you can hire workers at these companies, you will not make a profit while paying salaries. You should only work at each company yourself.

200 units of food allows you to work (-10 wellness), train (-10 wellness), produce (-40 wellness), and still have 340 wellness to fight 34 times in a day.

You don't want to buy food or weapons from the market yet. Save your profit for the buildings described below.

If you choose, you could also sell some of your food for profit. However, prior to level 20 you are more likely to profit faster from leveling up (1 Gold per level) by fighting as many times as you can.

Note that you do NOT want to spend your Gold on training or wellness when you are starting out. You also should ignore weapons until you have enough food to fight as many times per day as possible.

Once you have enough currency, the next thing you will want to do is buy another food farm.

If you are anxious, buy another grain farm (1500 USD) . If you can save up to 8500 USD, a cattle farm is your best value and saves you wellness.

After you have a total of 6 grain farms or 3 grain farms and 1 cattle farm, you are ready to start saving for another food factory.

You can buy a new Q1 factory for 10 Gold (or buy a used factory from the marketplace for cheaper) which will give you a total of 800 units of wellness (400 Q1 food). You can also choose to upgrade your Q1 factory to a Q2 factory for 20 Gold which will give you a total of 800 units of wellness (200 Q2 food), but will save you 10 wellness each time you work. A Q2 factory is also required for upgrading your Town Center (discussed below).

Repeat this process until you have sufficient food to cover fighting for your daily orders. At that point you can continue to buy FRM farms and sell for profit, or you can begin to buy (Weapon Raw Material) WRM companies.

The next step to maximizing your damage is upgrading your Town Center.

Every hour your town center stores 100 health that you can recover by eating food. The maximum amount of storeable health is determined by the quality of your Town Center. After your Town Center's capacity reaches its maximum, the 1 hour timer will restart after you consume at least 1 food.

Your Town center can be upgraded by clicking My Places > Health Buildings > + sign.
你可以在My plcae裡的Health Buildings裡點下+號來升級城鎮中心。

Food and weapon company quality requirements are minimum requirements. Having a better food or weapon factory than listed will fulfill the requirement. Having a better raw material company will not fulfill the requirement as raw material companies are catalogued as different types of buildings.

Once you have reached level 5 you should be able to easily upgrade your Town Center to Q2.

Next you will have to purchase an Iron Mine (1500 USD) and a Q1 Weapon Factory (10 Gold). Just like with grain, it will take you 3 iron mines to supply your Q1 weapon factory with enough WRM to produce 20 weapons.

You should NOT use weapons to fight yet. Sell any WRM or weapons you produce for profit.

If you need weapons to fight you should join a military commune.

Thank you to Israel Stevens for recommending today's topic. Please leave your comments below with suggested topics for the next article.
感謝Israel Stevens提供此篇文章的主題。對下篇文章的主題請你們在下方留下建議。