[Q America] I don't feel good EUSA: In Memorium

Day 3,841, 08:15 Published in USA USA by King James88
I don't feel good EUSA: In Memorium

I don't feel good EUSA. We let our sins kick us in the ass and here we are still in this rut. All homeless because we let the corrupt ruin our precious nation now crumbled into dust. Yet we deserved it we all saw it coming. There was no stopping it really. Not hardly anyone ever listened. It took our misguided missile strike on Croatia to send us to our grave. Not quite sure how we are going to get out of this one. EUSA is without a congress and nation of homeless citizens. All scattered trying to pick up the pieces in the aftermath of how we will come together. It is so bad not even what allies we have are not that strong to liberate us. No avengers to avenge us to come together to fight the battles when we needed them to fight the battles we never could. EUSA we F'd up big time!

How will we get out of this one? EUSA has two choices which one is find way to come together and put back together something new that is great. The second choice is keep going on as things are living a life in a exile by keep making the same stupid mistakes voting in the wrong foolish leaders that has lead us to where we are now. The choice is your EUSA. Tell me that I didn't tell you so.

Get off the pot or remain erased forever from existence!