[Presidential Campaign] Military Plan for Pakistan

Day 863, 19:15 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness

Military Plan

Pakistan Military, has been struggling lately in getting Organized. Most of it lacks active recruiting and Proper Hiring, there is no plan or thinking going on behind it. Military Hiring will be a much active affair If I am elected as President. What we lack is the proper delegation of authority in the structure of our Army. Right now there are only 3 people on the top doing everything. We will have to delegate responsibility to other Individuals, therefore I am proposing a Military Plan which will ensure that we will have one of the best and organized Military's in the New World.

Command Structure
Each Military needs to create chain of command, within it's force. People signing up is a different thing and people getting organized into proper working groups is another. Before we can we start signing up we need to make sure we already have a military leadership and command structure in place, a command structure were commanding team is organized into the assigned roles and is ready to get Started.

Chief of Pakistan Armed Forces
A position which is not political and purely soldier based. Individual appointed to this position should be the soldier and not political vocal activist. He will be the head of Pakistan Armed Forces. He will be under Minister of Defense and will advise Minister of Defense and Country President on Strategic Security Matters and will make sure Armed Force is performing as per required standards.

Council of Corps Commander
This will include Six Corps Commanders (Field Marshals ) who are in-charge of Six Corps of Pakistan Armed Forces. Head of the Council will be Army Chief

Military Spokesperson
This will be voice of the Military, Ideal person for this Position would be someone who loves Military Adventures and also has love for writing regularly in media about Pakistan Armed Forces.

Recruiters & Trainers
These will be appointed people in the Military whose sole job will be to make sure that every citizen is recruited into the Army and are getting trained. Their job will be bring new people into the Military Program and to make sure that existing people are actively participating in military related missions and trainings.

The Six Corps of Pakistan Armed Forces

Dio's Royal Guard
(Can be changed to another as per wishes of Dioist Leadership )

Soldiers who are the best in the ranks of Dioists. They will have honour to be part of Dioist Royal Guard. Dio Royal Guard is equal to military Corps and is the most selective Corps in Pakistan Armed Forces. Being a practicing dioist will be a prerequisite for this

Special Services Group
They are the best Trained Soldiers. Their main objective is to do quick and strategic attacks in a war on Pakistani Soil or across the world. This Corps should only include soldiers who are ready to move any time when called and have no political engagement (e.g. Congress Member, Party Member etc) to worry about. They will be Field Marshall and Generals

Punjab Corps
This will be Pakistan's Best Corps for defensive purposes. The main purpose of this corps will be to attack as Pakistan's first line of defense. This Corps will include Citizens with Ranks of Field Marshal, General & Colonels. Also the Secondary tanks

Sindh Corps
This will be Pakistan's Second Best Corps for Defensive Purposes. They will be secondary line of defense. They will include ranks of Colonels, Captain & Lieutenant

Frontier Corps
This will make up the most of our soldiers. Ranks include Lieutenant , Sergeant and Corporal

Balochistan Corps
This will be a Training Corps for younger and new players it will be mainly made up of Corporals & Privates.

Three Units

Each corps will have Three Units. This is important to organize because, if we implement this structure we will be ready for V2 and our army will not require any big changes. For now it will be just for organizing people into groups but it will prove to useful once V2 is introduced.

Three Units (in every Corps)

1. Air Unit (For Operating Choppers & Planes in V2)
2. Artillery Unit (Tanks in V2)
3. Infantry Unit (Rifle Operators in V2)

Allied Troops on Pakistani Soil
Every now and then we will invite allied troops to fight for Pakistani Soil. If a country is interested in placing their troops for longer period of time they will be recognized as a Corps in the Army for the period of that war or battle as they would be fighting from our side.

On the side note
I discussed the plan with Pak_Land he has in fact ordered to be implemented as soon as possible because we are getting a Training War and there is no best time to organize a military other then a Training war
