[Presidential Campaign] AHSAN's Tax Policy

Day 866, 13:51 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness

Tax Changes
The first thing after coming into office I will do is to put in place a tax policy that will support our economy.Here is my Tax Plan

Income Tax - 8%
Import Tax - 99%
VAT - 2%

Income Tax - 9%
Import Tax - 99%
VAT - 2%

Moving Tickets
Income Tax - 10%
Import Tax - 99%
VAT - 2%

Income Tax - 8%
Import Tax - 99%
VAT - 2%

Income Tax - 5%
Import Tax - 99%
VAT - 2%

Defense Systems
Income Tax - 5%
Import Tax - 0%
VAT - 1%

Income Tax - 5%
Import Tax - 0%
VAT - 0%

Income Tax - 8%
Import Tax - 8%
VAT - 2%


Income Tax - 8%
Import Tax - 2%
VAT - 1%

Income Tax - 8%
Import Tax - 2%
VAT - 2%

Income Tax - 8%
Import Tax - 1%
VAT - 1%

Reason Behind this Tax Plan.

Imports are not needed for Finished goods. We need to support local manufacturers in these areas. However due to Pakistan being a Low and Medium region when comes to raw material we need imports of raw material from foriegn Markets. Government will be opening Raw Material Companies in high region areas of the world and will be supplying the cheapest raw material to the manufacturers of different products. It will finish the need of moving your org to high region market and purchasing raw material from there.