[PotUS] Shake It Up

Day 3,427, 10:32 Published in USA USA by Derphoof

Dearest Americans,

It is my honor and privilege to be serving as your CP once more. We’ve achieved quite a lot in the past couple of months, and we still have a ways to go to achieve everything this administration set out to do. In order to do this, sometimes, it is necessary to shake up the staffing of an administration.

An administration must be willing to take on new blood, fresh faces, and unfamiliar voices in order to find the right staff to march forward.

The gang’s all here

So here’s what the cabinet looks like for April:

Vice President: Gnilraps
Chief of Staff: Melissa Rose
Secretary of State: Yui
Secretary of Defense: Orikfricai
-Deputies: JFstpierre and Jasper Signa
Department of Citizen Affairs: Cthulhu
Deputy: Donner R Beaston

Melissa Rose is a fantastic Chief of Staff. She’s got the organizational and leadership chops to not be afraid to tell people when they screwing up or not putting in the necessary work. It’s a trait that I’ve always expected and can be found in any great CoS. However, she’s not only capable of bossing people around, but she’s knowledgeable. She knows how this world works, and what we need to do to keep ourselves viable in this game. I’m confident in her all-around abilities.

Yui is a trustworthy and hard-working Secretary of State. When you task him with a job, you know it’ll get done. In this administration, which has been shaking our country out of it’s suffocating foreign policy box, he has been a big help with counsel and execution. As long as he’s willing to do the job, he’ll stay put. I wouldn’t dare replace him with any other player.

In Defense Orik is always willing, ready, and available to do whatever may be needed on offense or defense. Just as well, he gives sound advice on war, but is always looking for a good fight. Expecting such a fight this month, I’ve added JFstpierre and Jasper Signa to the crew. When expecting a fight, it’s always better to have more hands on deck, and I couldn’t pick two more qualified people. JFstpierre is the 2nd Commander and Quartermaster of Bear Cavalry, a Top 10 MU that serves many SFP members. Jasper is an old soul, but he’s got plenty of life left in him, as well as good ideas. I expect these two to be quality additions to the team.

Cthulhu has been lovely in the role of DoCA administator, even if he has less programs to worry about now than he did a few months ago. However, there is still work to be done. In this term, we’re looking to reinvigorate BU2SU, which helps build up our soldiers’ strength. To help him in that process, I’ve brought in Donner R. Beaston, an active congressman from the Black Sheep Party. Eager to learn and participate, I’m sure he’ll put in good effort to make this work.

On the battlefront, things have died down for our country. Canada has all of it’s regions back, and the US is left without any battles to reap medals and sweet, sweet true patriot points. However, our state and defense teams have been hard at work to execute policy that creates an opening for us to wage real war, with all of its excitement and all it’s possible consequences.

In the past two months, we’ve taken a step out of the suffocating box of typical American foreign policy. We’ve been slowly scooting ourselves a little farther off of our two chairs, which has kept us relatively confined to unexciting skirmishes and training wars. In the past months, we’ve signed new MPP’s or regained MPP’s with the following nations:

- Lithuania
- Estonia
- Canada
- Iran
- Slovenia
- China

We’ve also significantly improved relations with our accented cousins across the pond in the United Kingdom. However, apprehensions remain in some people, and old grudges in others. So, the MPP proposals were both approved and rejected by razor thin margins.

With all of this in place, I am happy to report to you that we are not only working on friendships, but finding conflict as well. War is on the horizon. We need conflict to drive our nation and our community.

I expect our congress to follow through and deliver what the people want.

Real War.