(Peru, please help us!) Thank you all for support!

Day 2,717, 17:58 Published in Peru Hungary by Jaca23

Update: I wanna say thanks to every citizen who fighting in our side. We will not forget this! 🙂

Dear citizens of Peru!

I am writing this letter as a simple eHungarian citizen. Some days ago we started to cooling our eUkranian territories. Everything is going on a good road, we libertated all the 3 regions and started to retake them. Today we reached the last territory, but at night the eUkranians and their allies were suprised as and started to fight hard with a co on their side. Now it's 3:00 am in Hungary, and the most of our players are sleeping.

Please help us to repel eUkraine and win this battle: http://www.erepublik.com/hu/military/battlefield-new/63012

If they win, they will cause us more trouble in the future. Let's defeat them together and make our relationship better!
