[Party Members.... What to do with them?]

Day 466, 11:20 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

Admins, we, as Party Presidents, need some ... powers?

We are left without a single defense against our own members.

In the last congressional elections the United States Workers Party was targeted by foreigners who wanted to run for our country's congress with the intention of doing harm. Yes they didn't win, except for one (Michael Lewis o.O) (just kidding) (or am I?) but that was because we worked between parties to get other congressmen to run instead of those foreigners.

That brings me to my first point and argument with the admins:
Party Presidents need to be allowed to keep people from running where there is only one candidate

I do not think the admins realize how big a help this one feature would be to Party Presidents EVERYWHERE. For one, I had a few people in my party who ran without following party procedures. I was forced to get people who had not intended to run, to run to block them out. We even went so far as to PM their states to NOT vote for them.

Parties fall victim to espionage too. This next option is not really required but would be nice. I have encountered some less than ... desirable ... players who have joined my own party. Admittedly, they have shaped up and become good contributing members of the AAP, but I wish we could kick the rest who don't.

If Party Presidents could eject members as a kind of disciplinary provision this would be wonderful. There would be restrictions of course.

No kicks before a party president election, a time period before this would be nice, so let's say 24 hours before the election itself.

No kicking people who are running for party president as they've just used 2 gold to run, and would have to spend another 2 to run again. If you are going to allow for party president candidates to be kicked, let them get their 2 gold back.

Thanks to Equality 7-2521, I was talking to him and the idea came into my head.

Let's say (for argument's sake) that a person becomes PP and then wants to destroy the party. He could kick the entire party yes? Well that would encourage a LIMIT on the # of players that could be kicked per day.

Also, if a PP is caught kicking the same person over and over again, that should call for a forfeit point. This way a PP is not allowed to abuse his powers.

This is a tricky power to be given to PP's but with some testing and such, I am sure that the admins could refine it so that it won't be able to be abused and will be to the party's advantage rather than detriment.

Allow party presidents ACCESS to the PARTY GOLD!

Don't you realize how useless taking all that gold out of circulation is? Even if you give us an "allowance", allow us to use it. There are underprivileged players on which that gold could be used to gift them to a higher wellness.

What good is a party treasury if the treasury itself can not be touched?!

** Allow PPs to remove people from running for Congress
** Allow PPs to kick people as a form of discipline with exceptions
** Allow PPs to access party treasuries!

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